You entrust your interests to CVBA DILAW Advocaten with trade name Dilaw Greenfield, whose lawyers are all members of the Antwerp Bar. The firm of DILAW GREENFIELD Advocaten is established in 2018 Antwerp (Belgium), Cuylitsstraat 48.
DILAW GREENFIELD Advocaten can inter alia provide you with the following services:
- Legal advice,
- Litigation before the courts.
Company number of the firm: 0544.967.774
You can reach DILAW GREENFIELD Advocaten at: DILAW GREENFIELD has underwritten a professional liability policy with AG Insurance.
For any further information, or for stating a grievance, you can reach DILAW GREENFIELD Advocaten:
- By mail: Cuylitsstraat 48, 2018 Antwerpen
- By fax: + 32 3 238 92 93
- By email:
- By phone: + +32 3 238 87 88